There are 1.4 million meth users in America, and the number is rising. Law enforcement agencies are reporting that up to 20 percent of their inmates were incarcerated because of meth-related crimes. Some agencies have reported as many as 75 to 100 percent of their incarcerations as meth-related.
The impact on families can be devastating. Meth use results in increased cases of child endangerment, abuse, and neglect. Children who live in homes where meth is manufactured are exposed to toxic, combustible chemicals.
For a community, meth brings a crime wave. Property crimes, car theft, and identification theft soar because addicts need money for their habit. Local jails have to house newly-arrested meth users and health care facilities must treat patients who overdose or who are injured in lab explosions. Altogether, meth affects the whole range of a community's social and health services.
Information presented in this session will open your eyes to a serious social plague that affects you and your community. You do not have to be a meth user to experience the impacts of this lethal drug.
![One meth user's descent into hell is captured in her arrest photos.](../images/meth_faces.jpg)
One meth user's descent into hell is captured in her arrest photos.
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